2009 was both good and bad.  Wet is how I would call it.  Bees did not fair well in most regions this year.  Down south, rain delayed the shipment of new hive packages nationwide.  Here locally, rains seemed to never stop.  This resulted in less pollen being available for hive development.
The varrora mite has continued its assault on bees and continues to spread across the USA.  Colony loss is still being reported.  Bee keeper numbers are also shrinking while the need for bees continue to grow.
This year:
  1. I've added the book store to the web site in hopes of making it easier for visitors to learn more.
  2. Rendered beeswax the old way by boiling.
  3. Did queen rearing
  4. Tried different varrora mite treatments
  5. Help setup an observation hive for the zoo and worked with their great staff 
  6. Improved on my "more natural" hive designs

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    I'm an active beekeeper in the North Wilmington, Delaware area.  I have hives at various locations and provide bees to those interested for pollination or other requests.  I have several types of hives and currently raise queens for myself and for sale.  You can also purchase bees from me to become a beekeeper.


    December 2009
    June 2009



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